Setting the Standard
By 2050, the planet’s population is estimated to grow from 7.5 billion to almost 10 billion, while the area of farmable land is expected to shrink. Simply put, this means mankind will need to produce more with less to feed the world’s population. An answer to this challenge can be found in the inherent benefits of naturally occurring microbes, representing the next step in a sustainable agriculture revolution. Two years ago, Hugh Grant, chairman of the agribusiness giant Monsanto, represented it this way, saying that microbes are “the next major platform in agriculture that will drive yield and productivity beyond the seed itself.” And seed treatments incorporating those microbes, he said, are “the biggest near-term opportunity.”
Microbial-based solutions are derived from various naturally-occurring microbes, such as bacteria and fungi. They have been successfully used to replace or complement traditional fertilizers, and applied in industries ranging from personal healthcare, to agriculture, wastewater treatment and the processing of food. Today, microbials make up about two-thirds of the young market for agricultural biologicals. Now at its beginning, the next agricultural revolution will come from the millions of unseen microbes in soil that play a crucial, but complicated role in the well-being of plants. Analysts say, as research continues to support the science behind the introduction of microbials into plant development, the sector could easily see an overnight explosion in the value of the emerging industry.
Now comes Fertile Ground, a participant challenging the status quo in the existing plant and soil treatments market with a proven microbial-based product assortment that offers a variety of tangible and meaningful benefits like, vastly improved crop nutrient uptake, amplified disease protection and insect control, very low environmental impacts, delivery of superior crop protection and significantly increased yields. With an exceptional team of industry professionals, having considerable and pronounced training and experience in the research, development, manufacture and the sale of proprietary, exclusively select strains of beneficial microbes, Fertile Ground has an uncommon opportunity to harness the power of nature for the benefit of mankind and its Shareholders.